Saturday, 19 February 2011

i just woke up. even though i slept about 9 last night. yesterday was so much fun with everyone, probably one of those days i will never ever forget. we had food competitions, mexican dancing, making music the whole lot. even thinking about yesterday makes me chuckle to myself. we stayed in spice route for such long time and we ate LOAD! im not even joking, the plates on our table and the mess was just crazy. we went to the arcade as well where i played on the motorbike game twice, it never ceases to amuse me. right now im trying to upload all the pictures and videos from yesterday but its taking such a long time, i still have to upload the pictures from Britain got talent but there is so many that my computer crashes, i have to persuade my parents to buy me an apple mac i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed one. 


  1. yay pardis try to upload those photos and films with all your might!! Do you know where on earth ella is, I have been tryi9ng to call her BUT SHE AIN'T ANYWHERE... :'( anyways :P xxx

  2. Don't worry about what I said above lol... xD Tell me when you've put everything on facebook <3 xxx

  3. LOL ^_^
    Aww it was so amazing <3!! A day to remeber!

  4. hi louise, well i put all the pictures up and i put one video up, i will try and put all the videos up by the end of today! so much fun, i woke up this morning with so much ice cream in my hair :O xxx
